1月19日,中国广告协会与全球艾菲进行视频会议。中国广告协会常务副会长杨洪丰与全球艾菲主席倪德伟(Neal Davies),就大中华区艾菲奖项目发展交换意见,针对进一步深化中国广告协会与全球艾菲的伙伴关系、用艾菲奖项品牌价值助推中国实效营销水平提升达成共识。
会间,常务副会长杨洪丰代表中国广告协会向周佩莲女士颁发聘书,继续聘请周佩莲(Pully Chau)担任2017年度大中华区艾菲奖主席。倪德伟对周佩莲送上祝贺,同时表示对其带领大中华区艾菲奖项目组在新的一年再创佳绩充满信心。
艾菲奖(Effie Awards)由纽约美国营销协会(NYAMA)于1968年创立,创立的宗旨是Awarding ideas that work!——创意,以实效论英雄!艾菲奖认可表彰以任何及所有形式达到实效与成功的营销传播作品,是全球唯一一个以“实效”为评估标准,为全球广告主和代理商所公认的杰出营销传播奖项。
如今,艾菲奖在亚太、欧洲、拉丁美洲、中东/北非及北美等全球40多个国家和地区表彰实效成就。大中华区艾菲奖(Greater China Effie Awards)由中国广告协会(CAA)主办,致力于表彰最具实效的营销传播作品,推动实效理念、为实效营销驱动者提供深度对话平台,从而提高行业实效标准。
About Effie Awards
The Effie Awards were launched in 1968 by the New York American Marketing Association as an awards program to honor the most effective advertising efforts – Awarding Ideas that Work! Effie Awards are known by advertisers and agencies globally as the pre-eminent award in the industry, it is the only global award that honors any and all forms of marketing communication that have proven results in achieving success.
Today, Effie celebrates effectiveness worldwide with over 40 global, regional and national programs across AsiaPacific, Europe, Latin America, Middle East/North Africa and North America. Organized by the China Advertising Association, the Greater China Effie Awards recognizes and applauds the most outstanding marketing communication works in the Greater China region. Effie Greater China aims to serve as an industry platform where the best works are celebrated and thoughtful dialogue around the drivers of marketing effectiveness are encouraged, so as to raise the bar of marketing effectiveness.
ID : effie-greaterchina